Hello, hi!
It’s been so long since I’ve updated my blog as honestly, the first quarter of the year has passed with a blink of an eye and I can’t believe we’re here in April! So far, 2022 has brought so much change and if I’m honest, I’m still in the process of adjusting to a whole new way of life.
Towards the end of last year, I decided (after much deliberation) to quit my full-time job and start working for myself. I’d been in my old role for seven years and was ready for a big change – the pandemic had made me (and millions of others) totally reassess things, you see.
Before March 2020, I’d never thought twice about commuting into work five days a week for two hours a day – it was just the done thing – but when working from home happened, I was less stressed, better rested and my mental health (specifically my anxiety) had improved so much. I knew pretty quickly I could never go back to an office full time – for me, I enjoyed being in my own space and having a little more flexibility (and a lie in), and spending my mornings walking the dog or enjoying a coffee rather than rushing for the bus felt like bliss. When it came to slowly heading ‘back to normal’, I just knew it wasn’t something I wanted to do anymore, so after much planning, saving, thinking and deliberating, in September I handed in my notice and quit my job to set up my own business.
I’d made the decision to go it alone and set up Alicia Murphy Creative. To cut a long story short, I’m a freelancer specialising in social media management, content creation and influencer marketing. The first four months of my business has kept me so busy and I’m already fully booked, which I’m bloody over the moon about and so grateful for.
But, with my new way of working has come a whole new way of life. I’m my own boss now, and I have total flexibility over what I do and where I do It (I’m currently writing this post from the hairdressers’ chair), which is amazing, but it’s definitely been a period of adjustment and only in the last few weeks do I feel more in control of my time. Now, it feels like the dust is settling on what’s been six months of intense change and I’m in a place where I can comfortably plan things and have a better idea of what my time looks like week on week.
My business is established and I have my client base (all of whom are amazing), and as a result, my home life is as chilled as ever and I’m back in a place of feeling more peaceful. Not to mention, the warmer months are just around the corner (summer is my favourite) and I’m looking forward to the adventures Guy, Otis and I have planned for the next few months. I’m also looking forward to packing up my laptop and setting up office in some new places this summer – Abersoch in Wales is like a second home to me and I’m already planning to spend a lot of time there working, spending my lunch breaks on the beach and my evenings eating fish and chips.
So anyway, that’s where I’ve been and why I’ve been very absent from blogging. I’ll be back to regular posting on here (and on my Instagram) so if there’s anything in particular you’d like to see me post about, do let me know!
Alicia x
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